I went to see Amma today for a hug.... Can 1 hug change a life?
-"Whether we laugh or cry the days go by."
-There is a seed in China that when planted will not grow, even in the most fertile conditions, for at least five years. And when it does it will grow over a foot a day until it reaches 90 feet in 3 months. She used this analogy to that of a student who may hear a message or be on their path to enlightenment and purpose and for the first 5 years experience difficulty in breaking through to rapid growth of self. Yet there is nothing wrong with the seed, it is the way it is designed to be. constantly waiting storing all that is needed. It reminds me of a subset of Eucalyptus tress (regnus) that will not seed until fire has passed through. Life and susses will not occur until the right catalyst has been experienced and sometimes that catalyst will floor everything to the ground. and for some reason that is the way nature intended it.
-If you wish to meet death with a smile on your face we must live prepared as death can occur at any moment. (that means smile, more)
It is a question of connection to another human being who is so aligned with there purpose that they emanate a touch which brings light and compassion. We know as chiropractors that an adjustment can release the power within to create change beyond that of our ability to comprehend, that a force of energy from the outside mixes with that stored potential energy from the inside creating movement in our system. From that perspective i can see how one hug could do the same.
So how did it all go down?
I arrived around 4pm to receive my token for a hug i waited in line to be escorted into the temple and at 10:30 i was assisted into position to receive my hug. It was kinda cool and very inspiring, she has an incredible amount of devoted people who love her for her simple message of love and peace. In fact the atmosphere of the place had a lot to do with the reception of the hug. And of course being me I observed those around me intricately to see their passion and their purpose. There are some that follow Amma on her world tour, going where she goes to be around her energy, called by a purpose to be there. For most i think they wanted to connect, with Amma and those around her.
You could tell who was new and who had been before, the new ones would do things like call over the seating attendant to ask the person in front if they could take off their hat. She was unable to ask for herself.
Another would slowly creep up the line moving in front of others as they desired a more favourable position.
Another would slowly creep up the line moving in front of others as they desired a more favourable position.
All the while these people come to connect yet disconnect from the energy and light right next to them, moving themselves away from the greatness of every human being. Thinking that another is more potent than the child who speaking out of turn or making some irrelevant noise. I only mention that because I was new and I had the same thoughts for a moment. I was concerned that others were moving in front of me at one point and that i would be pushed back further in the line. It was quite silly really but I realised that there was no rush. I would not disconnect from those around me and treat them as less deserving of their place. Imagine stepping in front of your own grandmother who is 1 foot shorter than you, it just wouldn't happen and yet at times we treat everyone as though we have no grandmother. I am glad that i had this thought as later in the night as i was receiving my mantra from Amma, a Swami said that it was important to treat all as if they were Amma.
Sometimes I wonder if people really connect to the message of a spiritual leader or just hear the words. I have always been amazed by those that seek connection through such experiences and yet missed the message about connection.
Here are some things i jotted down while she was speaking which stood out to me.
-"Whether we laugh or cry the days go by."
-There is a seed in China that when planted will not grow, even in the most fertile conditions, for at least five years. And when it does it will grow over a foot a day until it reaches 90 feet in 3 months. She used this analogy to that of a student who may hear a message or be on their path to enlightenment and purpose and for the first 5 years experience difficulty in breaking through to rapid growth of self. Yet there is nothing wrong with the seed, it is the way it is designed to be. constantly waiting storing all that is needed. It reminds me of a subset of Eucalyptus tress (regnus) that will not seed until fire has passed through. Life and susses will not occur until the right catalyst has been experienced and sometimes that catalyst will floor everything to the ground. and for some reason that is the way nature intended it.
-If you wish to meet death with a smile on your face we must live prepared as death can occur at any moment. (that means smile, more)
So that was my experience of Amma yesterday and it was unique. In line I spoke with many who wanted to ask other people to come and check it out. I said that a trusted friend just told me to come get a hug. So i did. They wanted to express how amazing it was and inspiring to be around such great music, chanting, and vibration and yet many would not come because it sounded too strange. I tended to agree that i would not come if someone started ranting about how amazing it all was. but really "life is shorter than we realise", and we all could do with an extra hug.