Whenever I have been out in nature with everything I need on my back, there is an incredible freedom, to know that everything you need you have. The appreciation for life is in knowing that at any point you always have what you need. You are free to camp and walk wherever you choose. Just because there is a path in front of you, you do not need to follow it. You can be in any part of nature and know that you have everything, shelter, food, warmth, water. Some find it concerning to be away from all their things. But life becomes so simple when you live this way, you walk, camp, eat, sleep. Pack up and do it again the next day. If you allow it the world slows down. I guess it is what they call being present. That moment when you can just enjoy yourself in its relation to its environment. You can get rid of your watch you don’t need it. In nature you can not decide what is going to happen, you have no control over the environment or what time the sun will set or rise. So often in life we are trying to think that we are a part of everything and that as such we can contribute to everything. Thinking that this will give us power. But true internal power which can only be described as acceptance of what is, knows there is no trying, you simply are nature, this is accomplished by the release of ones need to control. To have, to hold, to conquer, once you have a need it controls you. You are its slave. And so the moment you release your needs and allow the now, you give yourself more power than any other and that is the ability to choose any reaction. Now most would say well of course I have the ability to choose, I just choose this way of being, and I choose it with conviction. But what I mean is that you have no desire to be on either side because you truly have no need to be on either side. You can go either way. You have no desire to choose. When you say I choose this way but I could go that way, than why are you not. I think people look at me sometimes when I am like this, especially in a relationship and think I am not putting my desires forward, its just I let go of my needs when it comes to 2 people. When the other wants me to decide I can. I can also put out an opinion, if it is adopted or not, than ultimately I can then choose where to go after that.
I admit I have needs and those are the times that I am not so capable of choice. But I am seeking to first be aware of when I am a slave to those needs and when I can let them go. A friend called it, letting go of our daily rules.
I admit I have needs and those are the times that I am not so capable of choice. But I am seeking to first be aware of when I am a slave to those needs and when I can let them go. A friend called it, letting go of our daily rules.
Some things just make sense to do, eat well, live well, as long as they are not a rule that dictates but a choice that liberates. So today I hope you are having a glorious day. There is a moment after the sun sets that lasts about 20 minutes, when the sky is orange and blue
and yellow and sometimes green, it is my favorite part.
and yellow and sometimes green, it is my favorite part.